This is how Contesta increased their conversion rate by 30%
The use of Artificial Intelligence in telemarketing
BPO and Contact Center services
Contact center y BPO
Analysis time
12 weeks
Results at a glance
Increase in sales commission income
Listings with a 3 times greater than average propensity to sell
Reduction in call costs
The customer's need
Contesta Teleservicios es una empresa que ofrece soluciones de contact center y equipos comerciales para telemarketing. Debido a la gran cantidad de llamadas que tiene que gestionar, contactó con ByRatings para ordenar los registros de una campaña outbound en base a las probabilidades de venta
para una entidad financiera.
- A system of qualifying and ordering listings.
- Improve the useful contact of the campaign.
Our objective
To divide the records according to the sales potential and income of each client.
To organise Call Centre calls based on algorithm segmentation
To increase the commission for ingresos total campaign revenue.
Increase cross-selling and up-selling to the entity’s current customers.
The data of our success
- Analysis of variables
- Algorithm Performance
- Results of the project
Analysis of variables
The algorithm was developed using the historic data from previous campaigns. For the study, the variables of the company's user profile, product and sales were analysed.
Algorithm Performance
The algorithm determined 5 Ratings or segments based on the probabilities of success. The analysis detected groups with a 3 times greater than average propensity to sell.
Results of the project
After 3 months, sales commission income increased by 31% and there was a 29% reduction in the Cost of Calls thanks to the prioritisation.
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