Artificial Intelligence for your HubSpot CRM

ByRATINGS drives companies to boost their sales while reducing their business costs using Predictive Algorithms and state-of-the-art Machine Learning.

Lead Ratings Hubspot

Get the most out of your HubSpot CRM

Close deals faster with our predictive lead scoring


Automatically set your leads rating to the matching contact in your HubSpot account.


Create specific HubSpot campaigns targeting users that need to be contacted as per its rating.


Create new workflows and rank your contacts by rating to build a growth machine.

Why connect ByRATINGS to your HubSpot

All in one place

Get your live data from ByRATINGS right from HubSpot.

No Code required

Plug and Play integration through our native HubSpot App.

Everyone acces

The same users you have now, without new access or permissions.

How to set it up?

Want to know more?

Talk to an expert about Hubspot Predictive lead scoring connection